Past Event | July 8-12

Join Us at Throughput Computing 2024, July 8 - 12

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with the High Throughput Computing community.

You are invited to the second annual Throughput Computing event (HTC 24) from July 8-12 to be held in beautiful Madison, Wisconsin. HTC 24 brings together researchers, campuses, science collaborations, facilitators, administrators, government representatives, and professionals interested in high throughput computing to:

  • Engage with the throughput computing community, including the OSG Consortium and the PATh and Pelican teams and many others contributing to HTC
  • Be inspired by presentations and conversations with community leaders and contributors sharing common interests
  • Learn about HTC and new developments to advance your science, your collaboration or your campus

Registration is Open!

Connect with CC* Campuses and OSG Staff

CC* campuses (current and potential) will have the opportunity to build connections and to advance their technical know how at the dedicated CC* track held Wednesday, July 10th. These sessions will bring together campus staff, including staff involved directly with HTC technology, with the OSG Consortium staff. The goal is to engage with and to learn from each other to improve the experience of providing or utilizing capacity and to advance scientific research on your own campus and across the nation.

Speaking Opportunities

We are introducing Lightning Showcases from the community on Tuesday, July 9. Come and give a lightning talk about your project, tool, or activities around HTC. To keep the session relaxed and informal, there will be opportunities for signing up for a slot on the first day of the workshop.

We also encourage you to consider a more formal talk. Technical presentations at HTC 24 are short, typically 20 minutes in length. Applying merely requires a brief abstract submission.

Visiting Madison

Madison, Wisconsin is both a beautiful and a popular place to visit in the summer. We do have a limited number of room blocks reserved for HTC 24 and encourage you to register and book your hotel room as early as possible. Visit the Event Site Local Arrangements for accommodation details.

Questions and Resources

HTC 24 is sponsored by the OSG Consortium, the HTCondor team and the UW-Madison Center for High Throughput Computing.

For questions about attending, speaking, accommodations, and other concerns please contact us at

To learn about HTC 24 in more detail, view the event website:


Monday, July 8 through Friday, July 12, 2024.


Researchers, campuses, scientific collaborations, facilitators, administrators, and professionals interested in the HTCondor Software Suite and high throughput computing or the OSG Consortium resources or services (including the OSPool, the Open Science Data Federation, the Pelican Platform, or the PATh Facility.)


Fluno Center on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus and Online via Zoom.


Registration Is Open but closes soon! In-person registration has been extended and will remain open through June 30. Registration for remote attendance will remain open throughout the event. Visit the Event Site for registration information. Registration is required for attendees, even if you plan to attend remotely only. Registration for in-person attendance will cost $125 per day; there is no fee for registration for virtual attendance. There are two places to register, depending upon whether you will be attending in person or remotely:


Please email with any questions.