High Throughput Computing in Support of Science
The high throughput computing capabilities provided by HTCondor and the OSG Consortium’s Fabric of Services have a rich history of advancing all domains of research. From detecting gravitational waves caused by ancient black hole collisions, to hunting viral variants of COVID-19 –– browse the collection of articles below to discover just what’s possible with high throughput computing.
Introducing the PATh Facility: A Unique Distributed High Throughput Computing Service ( 2022 )
Addressing the challenges of transferring large datasets with the OSDF (2024)
Junior researchers advance black hole research with OSPool open capacity (2024)
“Becoming part of something bigger” motivates campus contributions to the OSPool (2024)
Through the use of high throughput computing, NRAO delivers one of the deepest radio images of space (2024)
Ecologists utilizing HTC to examine the effects of megafires on wildlife (2024)
Preserving historic Wisconsin aerial photos with a little help from CHTC (2024)
OSG School mission: Don’t let computing be a barrier to research (2023)
Using HTC expanded scale of research using noninvasive measurements of tendons and ligaments (2023)
Training a dog and training a robot aren’t so different (2023)
Plant physiologists used high throughput computing to remedy research “bottleneck” (2023)
Great Plains Regional CyberTeam Expanding Capacity for Computing from Great Plains Campuses (2023)
OSPool As a Tool for Advancing Research in Computational Chemistry (2023)
Distributed Computing at the African School of Physics 2022 Workshop (2023)
Empowering Computational Materials Science Research using HTC (2023)
LIGO’s Search for Gravitational Waves Signals Using HTCondor (2022)
The Future of Radio Astronomy Using High Throughput Computing (2022)
Expediting Nuclear Forensics and Security Using High Throughput Computing (2022)
Using HTC and HPC Applications to Track the Dispersal of Spruce Budworm Moths (2022)
The role of HTC in advancing population genetics research (2022)
High-throughput computing as an enabler of black hole science (2022)
NIAID/ACE - OSG collaboration leads to a successful virtual training session (2022)
Expanding, uniting, and enhancing CLAS12 computing with OSG’s fabric of services (2022)
Learning and adapting with OSG: Investigating the strong nuclear force (2022)
Machine Learning and Image Analyses for Livestock Data (2022)
Harnessing HTC-enabled precision mental health to capture the complexity of smoking cessation (2021)
80,000 jobs, 40 billion base pairs, and 20 bats –– all in 4 weeks (2021)
Centuries of newspapers are now easily searchable thanks to HTCSS (2021)
Resilience: How COVID-19 challenged the scientific world (2021)
Scaling virtual screening to ultra-large virtual chemical libraries (2021)
Using HTC for a simulation study on cross-validation for model evaluation in psychological science (2021)
OSG fuels a student-developed computing platform to advance RNA nanomachines (2021)
How to Transfer 460 Terabytes? A File Transfer Case Study (2021)
Hunting viral variants across Wisconsin, powered by high-throughput computing (2021)
High-throughput computing plays pivotal role in knee biomechanics research (2017)
High Throughput Computing helps LIGO confirm Einstein’s last unproven theory (2016)
High-throughput computing, HIV and the mystery of ‘elite controllers’ (2015)