Global Infrastructure Laboratory

PATh is committed to openness in the science and institutions we support, in innovation of technologies and methodologies, and in interfaces to the broader ecosystem of NSF-funded CI services, especially as the fabric of coordination services evolves. To facilitate ingestion of ideas into HTCSS, and services into FoCaS, the Global Infrastructure Lab (GIL) tests and evaluate infrastructure software from inside and outside the partnership.

GIL maintains several testbeds, allowing the team to rapidly test configurations. These dedicated testbeds are composed of volunteer partners in the OSG Consortium providing service orchestration features. Virtual testbeds are formed by overlaying the software to be evaluated onto production resources and by using short-lived cloud bursts. These techniques allow GIL to serve as a laboratory for services prior to introduction within FoCaS. Within scope are major new versions of existing services as well as new services slated to either expand or replace existing functionality. GIL is thus positioned in PATh to act as a Technology Translation Service. GIL also helps the PATh Software Development team identify software worth interfacing with and ideas worth implementing and provide a platform for scalability and usability evaluation of HTCSS components.

GIL focuses on features and products where it can make the most impact. On top of software to adopt, GIL also explores ideas for implementation in HTCSS and pointers to products with which HTCSS should interoperate.

GIL rapidly deploys new and updated services using a lightweight and highly automated approach. The GIL team is committed to collaborate with the XD program, IRIS-HEP, other national services like PRP and SLATE, and public cloud providers. By leveraging these connections and other NSF-funded national and global projects, PATh is positioned to innovate on the infrastructure layer with benefits across the NSF CI ecosystem.

GIL has proposed and led the discussion of the following ideas:

June 30, 2024 - Understanding HTCondor Logs

March 27, 2024 - OSDF Operational Improvement Ideas

January 31, 2024 - HTCondor Annex - Scalability and Stability

December 22, 2022 - CRIU - Checkpoint Restore in Userspace

August 23, 2022 - Accounting of provisioned resources on OSG pool

June 30, 2022 - Using PRP-developed provisioner for dynamic provisioning of non-Grid resources

May 31, 2022 - Limits of current GPU accounting in OSG

January 7, 2022 - Proposal for classifying the utilization of OSG

January 7, 2022 - Multiple files vs. Tar.gz

December 31, 2021 - Data robustness and scalability on Open Science Grid

September 27, 2021 - A100 MIG support in OSG, with emphasis on IceCube

March 31, 2021 - Options for Jupyter Support in OSG


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